Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Tribal Rhythm: The Korkus of Khandwa

Tribal Rhythm: The Korkus of Khandwa

One of the most exhilarating experiences of travel is the one in which you have nothing to plan and head straight out to an unknown place. These provide you with some amazing adventures. In this article, I am going to talk about one such place which has helped me know a lot about the Korku tribal community. 

Before coming to this place I had no idea that any such community exists, which might be the case with most of you. It is because there is no documentation available on their settlement, culture, and lifestyle and these do not appear much in news. 

Korku tribal community is concentrated in the Indian states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Korkus are known to be related to the Munda tribes of Jharkhand. The Korku language too falls under Austro-Asiatic family just as the Munda language. Due to poverty and restriction on the use of land by the government to save tigers has posed the problem of malnutrition and starvation in the tribe which is prominent amongst children and women. 

You can find Korku tribes in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh in the areas of Kalibhit forest in Satpura range. It is widely known for its teak and Sangwan forest. Korkus worship waters of Narmada and Tapti. Narmada Dam Project is expected to change the fate of a number of villages.
Korku tribe homes are mainly made of natural materials like wood, bamboo, mud and cow dung, leaves and twigs, baked mud tiles etc. These, in turn, make it ideal for temperature variations as it is cool in summer and warm in winter. 

Pay a visit today and learn the art to enjoy the nature in its full glory.

Original Article Source: Tribal Rhythm: The Korkus of Khandwa

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